Friday, January 9, 2015

Catching up on 2014: Red Wool Pencil Skirt

(This is the first of the posts I am going to write on the various projects I completed over the fall and winter.)

This skirt was a project for the apparel production course I took in the fall.  My original attention was to take it apart after I got a grade back on it, and do some turquoise & yellow anglo-saxon inspired embroidery, but since it's such a nice proffessional-looking skirt I've been a bit hesitant to modify it.


(I'm quite unhappy with the quality of these pictures, but they are the best I could do for now)


I faced the waistband with some heavy home-decor trim, which kind of stands away from the dressform but fits my waist very nicely. 

Side, showing the pocket:

I was about halfway done when I remembered that I like pockets in my skirt.  I accidently made the opening too narrow to fit my hand in, so I gave up before I made one for the other side.  At least my phone fits in it :)

A few indoor pictures that make the seaming a little more visible:

(Yes, I did a terrible job matchig those seams.  Just try not to look at them)

It's a very nice pattern.  The curved panels eliminate the need for darts and make for a very smooth fit.  I'll probably be using the pattern again.

The inside:

The wool is backed with plain cotton, which makes such a difference to the way the fabric lies on the body, and it hangs better and doesn't stretch and it was such a joy to work with.  Backigs are goin to be my secret weapon from now on.

Also: look! I serged the seam allowances! Yay, sergers! I still don't have a serger of my own, but the university has several that I have access to, and I love them.

You can also see the weird home-dec ribbon I used as a facing.  It was sort of an experiment, but I think it turned out well. 

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